What have I been up to over the past few weeks?

I got comments back about my manuscript - after a bit of chatting we decided to slightly adjust one of the sections. I therefore re-run the models to ensure consistency, added an extra model and then of course re-done the tables and figures to reflect the changes.

Then I went back to my second chapter to continue the analysis there, while waiting for the final approval on the above manuscript before submitting it. In the ideal world, it would be simpler to work on just one thing at a time, but of course that’s not an efficient way. Besides, it’s nice to have a break from editing the same text over and over: after a while it’s hard to see your own mistakes and it really helps to take a step back and not look at the paper for a few days.

I also went to see my parents for the weekend - which I don’t get to do very often given that they live in another country, so that was very nice :]