This is a compilation of hopefully useful resources. It’s by no means complete. I take no responsibility for the accuracy of any of it - bits I have tried, others I have only read through and some I popped here as they looked interesting and I wanted to read them in the future. I will add to the list when time allows and as I comb through the depths of my hard drive.
At the minute the only one that is mine is “Introduction to mixed models” in R tutorial. The rest were created by other awesome people.
Table of contents:
- General resources
- Wish I knew where to start…
- Tutorial series, podcasts, videos, courses etc.
- Documentation & books
- Cheat-sheets
- Data clean up and manipulation
- Data visualisation
- Spatial data
- Help
- Report writing & reproducibility
- Other resources
General resources
- The R Project for Statistical Computing
- The R Journal
- RStudio - GUI
- Nice R Code
- Quick-R
- R-bloggers
- Advanced R by Hadley Wickham
Wish I knew where to start…
- Starting data analysis/wrangling with R: Things I wish I’d been told
- aRrgh: a newcomer’s (angry) guide to R
- Intro to R
- Coding Club tutorials
Tutorial series, podcasts, videos, courses etc.
- A course in the R statistical computing language by video podcast
- Learning Statistics on Youtube
- Videos from Coursera’s four week course in R
- MOOCs and courses to learn R
Documentation & books
Data clean up and manipulation
- R for Data Science - Grolemund & Wickham and a review of the book.
- tidyverse and particularly dplyr , tidyr
- dplyr and pipes: the basics
- Guide to Data Wrangling in R - by Julia Pilowsky
- broom package - great help when you need to turn your LM model outputs into tables
Data visualisation
- Base Graphics in R: A Detailed Idiot’s Guide - by Dr Susan Johnston
- ggplot2 and ggplot2 book
- Shiny
- Complex, interactive heatmaps in R: iheatmapr
- Working with Natural Earth map data? rnaturalearth
- Graph and network visualization using tabular data in R: DiagrammeR - click through to have a look at the visuals!
- Fancy adding images next to your ggplot objects? ggpup
- Tufte in R
- R Graphics Cookbook
Spatial data
- Dealing with spatial data? r-spatial
- Census geographic data in R with tigris
- Blog: visualisation and spatial data
Report writing & reproducibility
Check out the LaTeX/markdown and reproducibility tabs.