In-between fieldwork: Tawny Frogmouth

Finally! I have been looking for those guys for a while now. I have been told more or less where to look in the Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG). It turns out that they are actually on the other side of the lawn than I thought... Typical!The tawny frogmouths (Podargus... [Read More]

Fieldwork: Never work with animals

I think it's probably even more true for wild animals.It's not even that the little buggers are not doing what I want them to do, they are simply not doing much at all. During multiple focal watches absolutely nothing happens, the birds just forage and preen themselves.This means that data... [Read More]

In-between fieldwork: Powl

"Powl" is how the local birders refer to their powerful owl. I find the abbreviation oddly cute.The powerful owl (Ninox strenua) is Australia's biggest owl species. It's big, with big claws.Meet Powl. Look at those claws!When it looks at you it seems to be measuring you with its gaze, and... [Read More]

Fieldwork: Displays

My fieldwork centers around male courtship displays and their variability. Only males that have finished their moult, i.e. only males that are "fully" blue, display. I've been even told that there have been males that started displaying immediately after they shook off their last brown head feathers.grWM after a moult... [Read More]