Selected Talks

  • Inbreeding and infidelity in a cooperatively breeding bird. ISBE 2016: 16th congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology. Exeter, UK (2016)
  • Genetic basis of Seychelles warblers’ personalities. The Genetics Society Summer Studentship Workshops, Norwich, UK (2013)


  • Scottish Conference on Animal Behaviour (SCAB 2015), University of St Andrews, Scotland, 28th March 2015. Won The Best Poster prize
  • Ecology and Behaviour, Toulouse, France, 17-21st May 2015
  • 25th Annual Geosciences GradSchool Conference, Gartmore, Scotland, 29-31st January 2016. Poster was Highly Commended

Questions? Get in touch!

I love discussing my research, if you have any questions or observations, don’t hesitate to email me. You can also connect with me on Twitter.