In-between fieldwork

You only live once and it's fundamental you make the most of it.Or so I tell myself.I'm therefore trying to squeeze a little bit of exploring while I'm in Australia. Posts titled "In-between fieldwork" will contain photos and information about what I managed to get up to. Not particularly scientific... [Read More]

Fieldwork: First week done!

Ooooooph. This was a long week. I have had a few issues after arrival. My luggage got lost and it took a couple of days to get it. I have congratulated my past-self on packing a bunch of clothes in the hand luggage. What my past-self didn't take into account... [Read More]

Fieldwork: Season one

I'm off to Australia again, but this time I'm going to spend six weeks there (you might recall I went to visit for two weeks in January/February). I should be landing tomorrow night and starting fieldwork asap.The rough plan is to carry out behavioural observations of male courtship displays and... [Read More]

Confirmation: Feedback report

I have received an official report summarising my viva. It's nice to have it all on paper!  It sounds like I should have given more background during my talk and made sure that I'm putting my analyses in context ("presentation lacked a bit of context"). I need to explain better... [Read More]

August = month off!

In the name of work-life balance, batteries-recharging, mental health and fun my partner and I are taking the entire month of August off and going on a little adventure :]As I haven't really had the time to plan the entire holiday in detail, I tried to sort out some nice... [Read More]