Moving houses, holidays and future plans

This is a bit of a crazy time for me. I'm moving all my possessions from Scotland to England and I am amazed at how much stuff I own. There definitely needs to be a purging/give-away session soon.I'm also planning on taking some time off in August before flying out... [Read More]

Confirmation: First year viva

I had my viva yesterday.To be perfectly honest with you it wasn't so bad :]Presentation The meeting started with my presentation. I wasn't entirely sure what to present and there were no clear guidelines. Attempting to squeeze-in everything from my report seemed redundant, as (at least in theory) everyone on the... [Read More]

Confirmation: Report handed in!

Pheeeeeew, confirmation report done!It's now in the hands of my thesis committee consisting of: my primary and secondary supervisors, person who will replace my current primary supervisor next year (she is relocating to Oz), my Australian supervisor and my adviser. They have two weeks to read and assess it. Then... [Read More]

PhD Talk interview

I have done an interview for the great PhD Talk blog. If you don't know it, you should definitely check it out: Eva does a great job, there is sooooo much good advice over there. I really like all the guest posts too, it's nice to hear from a variety... [Read More]

First year confirmation/upgrade

Did you know that technically first year PhD students are not quite PhD students yet?Yep, if one does not make enough progress in the first year, one might be asked to leave*. Enough to say that I don't want to be the one.In order to be allowed to continue as... [Read More]