Migration and a new website

Soon after I decided to step up my blogging game (see my previous post) a few things happened, including a friend’s blog on Blogger being deleted without any warning or explanation. All content gone forever. This was the push I needed: I’ve been thinking about building my own website for... [Read More]

Getting PhDing back on track!

I'm planning on posting some fairly regular work updates. I will paint you a picture of what I've been up to over the last few months.When I got back from fieldwork in November I had two options:(i) either write up my analyses from the first year as a manuscript and... [Read More]

Blogging plans

I want to step up my blogging game, I think going back to regular writing practice would be beneficial. Till now I relied on slightly bigger events - such as conferences, courses and teaching. I regarded those as more worthy of mentioning, but sometimes it feels like there aren't enough... [Read More]

Come work with me!

UPDATE 2016-03-29: I have a couple of great applicants and I shall be choosing between those two. Currently waiting for a reference. Thank you everyone for your interest. Everyone who applied will be contacted shortly. -------------------------------------------------Yes. Literally. Come work with me on the superb fairy-wrens in Australia during my next field... [Read More]

List or Reminders Check

A year ago, in January, prompted by all the new year resolutions I shared my List of Reminders with you. Those aren't resolutions or goals, but more areas of my life to which I want to pay attention, which I want to keep in check. I return to it every... [Read More]