We created a monster, a #wildbum monster

It started innocently enough. It always does.Yesterday evening @AnneHilborn was posting photos of questionable quality - we all have those. Those where we tried and tried and the subject is not in focus, but instead a random bit of grass or a flower is chosen by the camera as "the... [Read More]

In-between fieldwork: Varied sittella

Varied sittella (Daphoenositta chrysoptera). Such a cool little fella! Three local birders and myself have sat down to have some food and we spotted this varied sittella and its nest. I'm happy I found the nest, it's rather well camouflaged. The sittella was going back and forwards, I'm pretty sure... [Read More]

In-between fieldwork: New Holland Honeyeater

They. Were. Everywhere.The study site was full of New Holland Honeyeaters (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae) chattering away, zooming around, hopping from branch to branch, feeding, flying... so active! Hard to get good photos due to all the movement, but fun to watch.Every now and then they would take a few moments to... [Read More]

In-between fieldwork: Red-browed finch

Red-browed finch (Neochmia temporalis) is the most common finch around Canberra. I'd often see pairs of them in bushes during the day.Early in the morning I would come across little groups foraging on the ground, between the grass too.When the spring kicked-in I saw some nest-building too. It looks very... [Read More]

In-between fieldwork: Laughing kookaburra

Laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) - love them! They are loud and bossy, but also manage to appear very cuddly.Very entertaining to watch, I had so much fun watching them dig for worms and eat them up like they were spaghetti.We do have some issues with the ones on the study... [Read More]